December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas from Sweet Sweet Lola

I hope you can enjoy as much of Christmas as possible. Here is hoping 2014 is a better, healthier and more positive one with new adventures. 2013 has had some ups- I got my first 'proper' job and I finally graduated. Unfortunately, anorexia still has its tight nasty grips on me which has reared its ugly head a number of times- at the moment it has its nails in, i have had the hard word and my body is suffering. 8 years is a long time for your body to be running on overdrive. My little heart is working overtime and my body is heavy yet I soldier on.....I live day by day and at the moment hour by hour wearing my mostly happy 'outside world' face. The logic is there and I understand it inside out, what I need to do- eat, follow my plan, rest and gain my strength. I wish, god do I wish it was as simple as that!

Christmas can be a very difficult time of year for many people. For me- all the eating, family and lack of structure sends my anxiety into space. Christmas use to be my most favourite time of year- I would wait excitedly for weeks and count the sleeps, these days it couldn't be more different. However, there are a few things I keep reading on different blogs about how to manage this holiday time:
  • Keep as much to your normal structure as possible.
  • Keep plenty of safe foods on hand.
  • Don't push yourself in situations that make you feel uncomfortable or too anxious. 
  • Schedule some alone or quiet time (thank god I am house sitting this year....some space will help). 
  • Remember Xmas day is only ONE day in 365 days within the year. 
  • Try and allow yourself a special treat. 
I am going to try some of these, do some relaxation podcasts that Gerry gave me and take a little step by a little step. 

Merry Christmas. 

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